Tips on How to Break-in to Motherhood

November 18, 2015
By Joarra Galang of Rookie Mommy PH

Mommy Joarra and baby Arya
I remember saying the lines "I wish there was a manual when a couple starts a family" on my wedding day, as part of my wedding vows.

Well, now that I am a mother, let me say this , I wish there is a manual on how to be a mother.

Sadly, there is none. Even Google doesn't have all the answer to your journey to motherhood.

But, fear not! For I am here, ready to give you my own personal tips on how to break-in to motherhood.

Get ready, I will be brutally honest!


1. Don't ask your friends and relatives for their opinions on how to do things the right way.
 Let me be the one to break it to you. When you're a first time mom, there is no right way of doing things, especially if you're doing everything the first time (like changing nappies and breastfeeding). You will fail at the first try but you'll get the hang of it on the 5th or maybe on the 10th time.

2. Don't Google EVERYTHING. Google is not always right and you need to stop panicking. Don't ignore this. Checking everything online will just stress you out. If there's really something to be concerned of, contact your Pediatrician or a specialist.
3. Don't worry about the chores. Easier said than done especially when you're a clean freak like me. But, hey! the dishes and laundry can be done when the baby is asleep or you can just go ask hubby to do that for you.

4. Don't let anyone try to question your ways on how you're being a new mom. Older parents love to interfere because they though they know everything. Try to be firm with your decisions and choices and avoid giving in to their old ways. It's 2015 already!

5. Don't forget to take care of yourself. You need all the energy and health boost you can get to stay on your toes when you're a new mom. Avoid being sick as much as possible. When the mama is down, everything will be in total chaos!


1. Do ask help when you need to. You're not super woman. You're just an ordinary human who gets tired and feed up too. Ask a few friends or relatives to help you out when you think you can't do anything on your own.

2. Do enjoy your new baby. I know the stress will eat your soul out but there is still a lot of room for positivity and fun times with your baby. They're just gonna be a baby once!

3. Do spoil yourself sometimes. Because you deserve it. Period!

4. Do cry. a LOT of moments will come that you just have to let it out. Let it out, darling! Let.It.OUT

5. Do have dates with your partner. Having a new baby is not enough reason not to have those romantic dates an dmovie marathon. You can still do that. And I encourage you to!

Lastly, the best tip that I can probably give is to cherish each moment of being a mother. Yes it's true, the countless sleepless nights, the horrible crying of your baby, the hardship of breastfeeding, the layers of your eye bags, the endless swaying just to make your baby fall asleep, and every difficulty you can think of when you're a new mom is all so true. But babies grow up so fast and everything that you're dreading now will eventually come to an end. Soon, you will miss all of that. So savor the moment!

About the Author:
Joarra is a rookie mommy to a 4 month old baby girl named Arya. Her blog, shares her early motherhood journey as well as helpful tips and cheat sheets on how to be a rookie mom. She also started a new Facebook community called, First Time Moms PH - a community which aims to be the go-to source and support group for rookie moms. Other than being busy with her baby and blogging, she's also a Social Media Manager by day and a Wedding Planner Assistant at night. She also aspired to be a self-published author some day.

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